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How To Heal Acne Scars Naturally Quickly

How To Heal Acne Scars Naturally Quickly

i think the key to any of these treatments is consistency. It may take 1 to 3 months of weekly application before something like this will start showing results.

There’s plenty of comments on this post that assure you this will work.

If you have been struggling to find a solution for your acne scars… this just may be the “secret” you have been looking for. See the very short but simple recipe ….


4 teaspoons of lemon juice, 3 teaspoons of plain yogurt, 4 tablespoons of honey, and 1 egg white

Mix all four ingredients together and let sit on your scars for 15 minutes. 
When the 15 minutes are done, simply rinse with warm water.

Repeat this procedure twice daily.

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